The Center for Research, Teaching and Extension in Information and Communication Technologies (CIDETIC) is an individual unit of the National University of Luján created by Resolución HCS 154/13, with scientific/academic competencies directly linked to ICT, Computing and Computing. It is governed by its own statute (Resolución HCS 022/14) and internal regulations.
Its main objective is to facilitate the improvement of the functions of teaching, research and extension of the UNLu, through a space of research and knowledge transfer, based on the appropriate use of Information and Communication Technologies.
Its particular goals are
- To provide resources for research, teaching, extension and training of human resources activities.
- To promote interdisciplinary research activities with support in the efficient use of ICT.
- To promote activities of professional updating of specialized human resources.
- To promote, through extension and transfer activities, the link with society in relation to the issues of its relevance.
- To facilitate the implementation of ICT in the University through applied research and coordinated with the specific dependencies according to their competence.